Auto Transmission Repair | What Every Vehicle Owner Should Know

Most car owners have encountered a problem with their auto transmission at least once. Your transmission is a crucial component responsible for transmitting power from the engine to the wheels, enabling your car to move. However, with the constant wear and tear, the transmission system is bound to break down at some point. Here's what you need to know about auto transmission repair when it happens to you.

How Do You Identify Transmission Problems?

Transmission issues can manifest differently in different cars. Here are some indicators that could signal that your car has transmission problems in need of repair:

  • Strange noises, such as clunking or whining when shifting gears
  • Delayed response when shifting gears
  • Burning smells coming from under the hood
  • Leaking fluid under your vehicle
  • Warning light on your dashboard

Are There Different Types of Auto Transmission Repair?

There are many different types of transmission repairs, but most fit into one of two categories: minor and major. Minor repairs include easy fixes, like replacing fluids, solenoids, or gaskets. However, major auto transmission repairs are much more serious and involve extensive work, like replacing gears or the entire transmission system.

Obviously, the problem's severity directly affects the repair cost. Repairs at the initial stages of the problem are cheaper than those at the advanced stages. Therefore, it is important to take your vehicle to an auto transmission repair shop as soon as you suspect an issue.

How Do You Choose a Transmission Repair Shop

Finding a reputable transmission repair shop is essential to ensure your car is in safe hands. Research to find the best transmission repair shop in your locality. Although it is tempting to choose the cheapest option, consider factors such as customer reviews, certifications, and the equipment and technology used. Warranties are also crucial when choosing a transmission repair shop, as they assure that the job will be done correctly.

How Do You Keep Your Transmission Running Smoothly After the Repair?

Regular transmission maintenance can prevent future issues and increase your car's lifespan. Here are some guidelines to follow:

  • Get the transmission fluid flushed and replaced as recommended by the car manufacturer
  • Check the fluid level regularly and top it off as needed
  • Don't overwork the transmission by carrying more than the recommended load or going beyond the recommended speed limit

Your transmission is vital to keeping your car running smoothly, and choosing a reliable transmission repair shop can make all the difference. 

Contact a company like Summit Transmission Inc to learn more.
