How To Tell If Your Alternator Is Going Bad

Your vehicle's alternator is responsible for delivering electricity. Not only does it use the power from the engine to power your vehicle, but it will charge your battery as you go. However, do you know how to tell if it is going bad? You'll want to watch out for these warning signs that you need to take your vehicle in to get repaired.

Your Lights Are Dim 

Since the alternator's job is to recharge the battery, you may notice problems with your lights when you open up the door to your vehicle. This would be due to the battery being very low from not getting recharged as it should, and your lights will be dim as a result. The lights should then brighten up once you start your vehicle because it is getting the electrical current from the engine. 

Your Warning Light Is On

Take a look at your owner's manual to figure out what warning lights are associated with your alternator. Warning lights often serve several purposes, and one warning light may be used to identify several problems. You can then take your car to an auto parts store or mechanic to have them read the error code and confirm that the problem is with your alternator.

Your Car Needs A Boost

Does your car need a boost every single time to start your vehicle? This is because the alternator is not charging the battery and your vehicle doesn't have the electricity it needs to start. A boost is going to get your car running by using another vehicle's battery, but your battery is not going to be charged due to a bad alternator. If you are able to get the vehicle running, but it takes a few tries to get it to start, this could also be an early sign of a bad alternator. That said, this could also be a problem due to a dead battery, so it is worth having the battery tested to eliminate it as a potential problem.

You Notice Electrical Issues

Do you have parts of your car that operate by electricity? Have they been moving slower than normal? This includes power mirrors, windshield wipers, and windows. These parts are going to move slower because they are not getting the electricity needed from the battery. That problem is likely due to a bad alternator.

Consider taking your vehicle in to get repaired if you notice more than one issue related to your alternator. Contact a car repair service for more information. 
